If you wanted to live you shouldent have read this...

Nathan Nelson @tacozruledude

Age 33, Male

wanna be Nietzsche

Big rock candy mountain

Joined on 6/21/09

Exp Points:
920 / 1,110
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Vote Power:
5.18 votes
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Ever since i signed up for newgrounds ive allways loved the site. I remember my buddy showing me the site way back in elementry school,and ever since then ive had a destinct love of this place(hell i remember braging when i signed up,lol) since then me and my buddy have went different ways with our life but I always have appreciated and respected them for showing me such a place as newgrounds. I never have really been any good with flash and I've tried many times but guess it's just not my talent. However I love watching animations movies and games posted here and then inspired me in more ways than one. But I always laugh when I go back and read some of my reviews from years ago when I was still young and highly immature. But I guess there are some things we have to be nostalgic about and some things we just need to forget. But no matter what I feel I'll never forget newgrounds and the wonderful memories I have seen at this place because some things grow more to be just a hunk of wood with strings or a block of paper with ink smeared on it or just some website where people post animations made on the computer. I feel newgrounds is more than this, it's the one place I can always go to, it's almost like a home.

Recent Game Medals

5,895 Points

Rank: CA 50 Points

Achieve the Rank CA

Gravekeeper 25 Points

defeat the gravekeeper

Master Hacker 5 Points

decrypt a lock

Death Inversion 10 Points

use 20k points to lower death counter

Pumpking 10 Points

defeat the pumpkin king

Not the Bees 10 Points

Kill 5 bees you racist

Double Kill 10 Points

Kill 2 enemies without touching the ground, as a non-flying character

Scrambled Eggs 5 Points

Defeat Mr. Eggs in hand to hand combat

Frodo 5 Points

Destroy a rang.

Too Quickly 5 Points

You went too quickly

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